Empowering Workforce to Strengthen Organizational Success

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Maximum customer satisfaction is the core of our offerings

Praxis Consultants offers customized talent management solutions and recruitment services that help clients reduce the cost and time associated with hiring the right talent.

We at Praxis understand that human resources are the pivotal element in the success of any business, thus our focus is on finding exceptional candidates who can contribute to our client’s success

Our Services

Resourcing & Recruitment

This is a long-standing process that was reinforced with the rise of placement consultants. This ensures that best-suited employees are furnished within a limited response period.

  • Understanding the specific client requirement
  • Client-centric Consulting
  • Aligning with project specification
  • Identifying competencies
  • Research on potentially fit organizations/candidates
  • Analyze various prospects
  • Candidate handholding

Leadership Acquisition

We boast of a Strong network of hard-to-find niche candidates, rich in strategic decision making who direct, control, and decide what to do, on the basis of agreed-upon hypotheses, generally proceeding deductively.

  • Exhaustive analysis:
    • Strategic, financial, and operational intricacies associated with senior management
    • Understanding organizational needs( like technical requirements, leadership potential, training requirements, negotiation, change, and customer focus ) and synchronization with efficient candidate
    • Behavioral assessment
    • Identifying and evaluating the driving factors, change agent factor
  • Leader mapping: track-record study
  • Discreet reference checks
  • Counseling

IT Development

Unique to our consultancy is the great Focus on clients’ specific needs adapted to by the employee. We ensure this through In-house development programs as per clients’ needs.

For Employers

If you have hiring needs, Praxis Consultants will help you find the right talent.

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